News 2014

NewsNews 2014


23.11.2014 CACIB-Show, Minsk (Belarus)

judge Nijole ZIENIENE (Lithuania)

Smart Wood Hills Earl Grey
(Teraline Indigo х Smart Wood Hills Glenmorangie)

1 exc, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Belarus Grand Ch


22.11.2014 CACIB-Show, Minsk (Belarus)

judge Ozan BELKIS (Turkey)

Smart Wood Hills Earl Grey
(Teraline Indigo х Smart Wood Hills Glenmorangie)

1 exc, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Belarus Ch


CACIB-Show Russia-2014 Cup of President

judge Daniel Djevi Boros (Serbia)

Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima) 
exc in junior class

Smart Wood Hills Rambla
(Stay in Style Jack Pot  х Smart Wood Hills Dakota)
2 vp in puppy class

Smart Wood Hills Marli
(Yacheero's Pando Pandero х Smart Wood Hills Ezhena)
1 exc, CAC in open class


CACIB-Show Russia-2014

judge Otakar Vandrous

Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima)
1 exc, JCAC, Best Junior

Smart Wood Hills Rambla
(Stay in Style Jack Pot  х Smart Wood Hills Dakota)
1 vp, Best puppy-female

Smart Wood Hills Marli
(Yacheero's Pando Pandero х Smart Wood Hills Ezhena)
1 exc, CAC in open class


Evergreen Sieger Show , Ridgefield Washington

Smart Wood Hills Taiga
(Smart Wood Hills Dewars х Smart Wood Hills Xantia)
5 x SG1 Ratings (top rating for puppy class), 1x Best puppy in Breed, 1 x 2nd Place BPIG
This makes her now National Baby Champion and International baby Champion


12.10.2014 Special Show Club Winner, Moscow

Judge: Mrs. Jeanett Lemmeke (Sweden)

Smart Wood Hills Zoloto
(Smart Wood Hills Dzhester Gold х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
1 exc, CCC, Best brown female, Club Winner

Smart Wood Hills Nika
(Smart Wood Hills Dewars  х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
exc in junior class

Smart Wood Hills Aivengo
(Pride of Russia Ferro х Smart Wood Hills Hitana)
2 exc, СС in winne class

Smart Wood Hills Matthew
(Yacheero's Pando Pandero х Smart Wood Hills Ezhena)
3 exc, СС in champion class

Smart Wood Hills Rambla
(Stay in Style Jack Pot  х Smart Wood Hills Dakota)
3 vp in baby class

Smart Wood Hills Quinterra
(Stay in Style Jack Pot  х Smart Wood Hills Estee Lauder)
1 vp, Best black baby-female

Smart Wood Hills Nice
(Smart Wood Hills Dewars  х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
4 exc, JCC in junior class

Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima)
exc in junior class


05.10.2014 CACIB-Show, Voronezh (RUS)

judge A.Brankovich (Serbia)

Smart Wood Hills Matthew
(Yacheero's Pando Pandero х Smart Wood Hills Ezhena)


New personal page

Smart Wood Hills Chelsea
(Smart Wood Hills Boromir x Smart Wood Hills Ono)


21.09.2014 CAC-Show, Moscow

judge M.Vretenichich (Mg)

Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima)

1 exc, JCAC, BOB, Rus JCH


21.09.2014 CACIB Show, Vladivostok (RUS)

judge N. Timmermans-Kadenko (NL)

Smart Wood Hills Khamsin
(Ale Alamos del Citone x Smart Wood Hills Roma Raviol)
1 exc, CAC, CACIB, BOS


New puppies pictures!

Puppies pictures of U-litter,  3,5 months
Pride of Russia Konan х Smart Wood Hills Koh-I-Noor

Puppies pictures of V-litter, 3,5 months
Smart Wood Hills Boromir х Smart Wood Hills Dream Weaver



6-7.09.2014 IDC-2014 Kamenny Mlyn (Slovakia)

Smart Wood Hills Sambuka
(Smart Wood Hills Kaiser Konstantin х Smart Wood Hills Heathrow)
2 vp in brown baby class

Smart Wood Hills Kaiser Konstantin
(Ale Alamos del Citone  х Smart Wood Hills Roma Raviol)
2 exc in working class

Smart Wood Hills Dragon Heart
(Sant Kreal Zeus х Smart Wood Hills Maserati Mistral)
excellent in open class

Smart Wood Hills Okhra
(Teraline Indigo х Smart Wood Hills Glenmorangie)
excellentin open clas

Smart Wood Hills Zoe Zukkini
(Smart Wood Hills Dzhester Gold х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
excellent in intermediate class

Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima)
SG in youth class

Smart Wood Hills Nice
(Smart Wood Hills Dewars  х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
vpin black juniors class

Smart Wood Hills Nika
(Smart Wood Hills Dewars  х Smart Wood Hills Bohemia)
vp in brown juniors class


New puppies pictures!

Puppies pictures of T-litter,  3 months
Smart Wood Hills Dewars х Smart Wood Hills Xantia

Puppies pictures of S-litter, 3,5 months
Smart Wood Hills Kaiser Konstantin х Smart Wood Hills Heathrow

Puppies pictures of Q-litter, 4 months
Stay in Style Jack Pot х Smart Wood Hills Estee Lauder


10.08.2014 CAC-Show, Moscow

judge L. Krakovskaya

Smart Wood Hills Organza

(Teraline Indigo х Smart Wood Hills Glenmorangie)

1 exc, САС, BOS


8-10.08.2014 World Dog Show Helsinki (Finland)

Smart Wood Hills Konig

(Ale` Alamos del Citone x  Smart Wood Hills Roma Raviol)

2 exc. in open class

Dea Doloris v.Alpha Nordic

(Obi Shultz di Campovalano x Smart Wood Hills Ebony)

4 exc in veteran class


27.06.2014 CACIB-Show, Kazan (RUS)


Smart Wood Hills Orient
(Efendy iz Zoosfery х Smart Wood Hills Sangria)
1 vp, Best puppy

Smart Wood Hills Matthew
(Yacheero's Pando Pandero х Smart Wood Hills Ezhena)

Smart Wood Hills Ostankinoо
(Smart Wood Hills Respect Reebok х S`Lichobor Lien)
1 exc, CAC


26.07.2014 CAC-Show, Moscow

judge V. Verbitsky (Blr)
Smart Wood Hills Joseline
(Oksamit de Grande Vinko х Smart Wood Hills Ultima)
1 exc, JCAC


New puppies pictures!

Puppies pictures of T-litter,  2 months 18 days
Smart Wood Hills Dewars х Smart Wood Hills Xantia

(Смарт Вуд Хиллз Дьюарс — Смарт Вуд Хиллз Ксантия)

Puppies pictures of S-litter, 2 months 3 weeks
Smart Wood Hills Kaiser Konstantin х Smart Wood Hills Heathrow

Puppies pictures of Q-litter, 3.5 months
Stay in Style Jack Pot х Smart Wood Hills Estee Lauder


New puppies pictures!

Puppies pictures of T-litter,  2,5 months
Smart Wood Hills Dewars х Smart Wood Hills Xantia

Puppies pictures of S-litter, 2,5 months
Smart Wood Hills Kaiser Konstantin х Smart Wood Hills Heathrow



13.07.2014 Luxembourg Trophy Show 2014

judge John Walsh. Jr  (IRL)

Smart Wood Hills Ghino

(Stay in Style Jack Pot х Smart Wood Hills Xantia)

2 exc in junior class

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